Blog Articles and Resources
So how do you avoid probate, the court system, and ensure you, your assets, and your loved ones are better protected? Simple, get a trust. Saying trust is like saying “car,” there are thousands of different colors, makes, models, and features. Trusts can be designed for a variety of reasons and range in cost and sophistication. Some trusts protect assets from divorce and creditors, some from nursing home costs, and some from Uncle Sam. Not all trusts are created equal. Make sure you are working with a focused estate planning attorney to ensure your trust works as intended when life changing events occur. To learn more about trusts and see if they are the right fit for you, schedule a no cost consultation today.
This is not what you do every day. It is what we do. Let us help provide the resources you need to make an informed decision.
We’re ready to start this journey with you.
Contact us to schedule a consultation.